One Word for 2012


I’ve been mulling over starting a blog for a long time. I’ve always found journalling a great therapeutical release, and I thought perhaps blogging may be the same (and also encourage others in the process!) but held back mostly because of silly concerns – like.. what should I call it?

This week I’ve also been mulling over my vision for 2012. I read over at SortaCrunchy this week about one word for 2012, and loved the idea. Loved having one word to bring together my focus for the year. So I tossed around a few words but nothing seemed right. Until last night when I read the following on the Above Rubies facebook page:

“One of God’s attributes is kindness. The Hebrew word is chesed which is one of the most powerful words in the Old Testament. The meaning is much bigger than our English word of kindness. It means unfailing love, benevolence, goodness, grace which we don’t deserve, mercy, loyalty and strength. The amazing thing is that God wants us to reveal His same chesed kindness to one another. It gets even more personal when we read the description of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31:26, “She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.” Yes, the word is chesed. Can you imagine what our homes would be like if we daily, and constantly, demonstrated and spoke words of kindness to our husband and children? Nancy”

I just knew instantly that was it. Chesed.

Learning about God’s chesed kindness towards me. Oh, how I need to learn that!

Practising God’s chesed kindness towards others. Especially within my own family. Prov 31:26 spoke straight to my heart, as I confess I don’t always find it easy to have the law of kindness in my tongue towards my 4 children (well except perhaps to the baby, who hasn’t learnt to say no yet!)

What about you? What are you working towards in 2012?

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